
Thank you for considering a submission to The Subtext. This space runs only with the help and words of amazing writers like you. So please, don’t be shy or self critical. We can’t wait to hear your ideas, read your articles and share them widely with the world. 

While we want you to feel open to write what’s interesting to you, we also love a brief. Here are the categories you can submit to and some ideas of the kind of content we’re looking for within each one. Of course, don’t hesitate to draw outside of these lines if inspiration strikes elsewhere.

Please note, not all submissions are guaranteed to be published but we do guarantee that we will read, review, and respond to each and every one.

Send Submission
Verbal Archive

An in-depth write-up about a verbal identity that speaks to the brand, your process and how the work came to life. 

- 500 words or less

- No more than 3 years old

- Must have high-res imagery to accompany write up

- Must be the lead writer and have permission to discuss the work as your own or with an agency that you credit

Sound Off

An original piece of writing that explores topics related to branding and copywriting. This could be anything from rants to pep talks to deep dives. 

- 750 words or less

- Must be somewhat related or relevant to the field of branding or copywriting

- Negativity and pessimism is welcome but keep it classy

Trend Report

Every other month, we’re going to release a copywriting trend report and are looking for our community of writers to help us decide what’s in and what’s out. 


- No word count requirements

- These are informal submissions and don’t have to be explained or polished, just throw your ideas at us

- All contributors will be credited 


Anything that you find credible and useful, we want to share it with The Subtext community. We have sections for podcasts, articles, conferences, books, websites and more.


- Submit your resource suggestions in this shared google sheet, tag and we’ll add it to the site for all to enjoy.